Do you need help editing your photos? If you want to expand your knowledge further, you get stuck while editing, then use our online Photoshop Coaching. This can be with regard to a specific photo or an entire series.

The coaching does not only include Adobe Photoshop but also RAW conversion, so both Adobe Lightroom and Capture One can be covered. You do not need any experience in this editing software to book this coaching.

The coaching takes place via Skype, Microsoft Teams or Zoom according to your own preference. So you don't have to move yourself and can have everything take place directly from your comfortable workspace. Again, no prior knowledge needed only a good portion of eagerness to learn and enthusiasm.

Below is a small list of possible items that can be treated, these are just a small selection of possibilities because there are so many different things. The items below can of course be combined and built modularly.

  • Layers and layer masks

  • Frequency separation technique and its practical application

  • Coloring and toning of photos

  • Export for social media

  • Sharpen photos for different outputs

  • Skin treatment

  • Dodging and burning

  • Raw conversions in Adobe Lightroom, ACR and Capture One

  • Liquify

  • Basic editing of photos with little knowledge

  • Developing a personal workflow

Of course you are now curious about the price tag for this and this is set at € 60 per hour, VAT included. The minimum duration is 60 minutes, after which you can book per half hour or per hour. If you have any further questions about this, please contact us without any obligation.
